Bir İnceleme C# IEnumerable Kullanımı

Bir İnceleme C# IEnumerable Kullanımı

Blog Article

Implementation of IEnumerable is generally the preferred way for a class to indicate that it should be usable with a "foreach" loop, and that multiple "foreach" loops on the same object should operate independently.

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But now see the below code we have changed IEnumerable to IQueryable. It creates a SQL Query at the server side and only necessary veri is sent to the client side.

This will create a new list element for each element in memory, enumerating the IEnumerable and is thus less performant if you only enumerate once - but safer and sometimes the List methods are handy (for instance in random access).

Quoting that article, 'Kakım per the MSDN documentation, calls made on IQueryable operate by building up the internal expression tree instead.

So the difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable is about where the filter logic is executed. One executes on the client side and the other executes on the database.

You don't have to open a book and learn how to traverse the tree - but simply use the foreach statement on that object and you're done.)

Where the execution will be performed out-of-process, the logic of the query özgü to be represented in veri such that the LINQ provider kişi convert it into the appropriate form for the out-of-memory execution - whether that's an LDAP query, SQL or whatever.

Doğrusu IEnumerable örgüsında filtreleme işlemleri memory C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri de bünyelırken, IQueryable da veritabanından direk filtrelenmiş verileri elde ederiz.

Then with a IQueryable the generated SQL will contains “where name = “a”, but with a IEnumerable many more roles will be pulled back from the database, then C# IStructuralComparable Temel Özellikleri the = “a” check will be done by .NET.

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If the C# IStructuralComparable Temel Özellikleri collection supports indexers, you could also iterate over it with the classic for loop method but the Iterator pattern provides some nice C# IStructuralComparable Kullanımı extras like the ability to add synchronization for threading.

The most important thing to C# IStructuralComparable Temel Özellikleri realize is that, using Linq, the query does derece get evaluated immediately. It is only run birli part of iterating through the resulting IEnumerable in a foreach - that's what all the weird delegates are doing.

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